Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Please read all sections of this legal notice, before using this website. The following conditions are binding for every user of this website. In fulfillment of the information obligation in accordance with the law 34/2002 on information society services and electronic commerce (LSSI-CE) from the 11. The following provides general information about this website.

The purpose of this text is this, to explain the functionalities of this website in detail and to provide you with information about the owner of the website and the purpose of the content contained therein.


This legal notice regulates the use of the website service and informs you in accordance with the law 34/2002 from the 11. July on information society services and electronic commerce on the following points:


Company headquarters: El Pi street, 03111 Busot


Telephone number Contact person: +34 663944335

Academic title: B. Sc. Psychology

Official College of Psychology of the Valencian Community, College of Psychology of the Valencian Community, Membership number CV13778


MELANIE GRAMER guaranteed, that the content and services offered on the portal respect the principle of personal dignity, the protection of youth and childhood and non-discrimination on the basis of race, Gender, Religion, Opinion, nationality, Respect disability or other personal or social aspects.

The user undertakes, die Website, to use their content and services, without violating current legislation, to violate generally accepted customs and public order. It's forbidden, use the website for any unauthorized or harmful purposes against MELANIE GRAMER or third parties, which may in any way cause damage or interfere with the normal use of the website.

These General Conditions of Use of the Website do not grant the User any other right of use, the change, recycling, duplication, Dissemination or public communication of the contents of the website other than as expressly provided for herein. The content contained in the portal (information, Ton- and/or image files, Photographs, designs etc.) are the property of MELANIE GRAMER or have been duly authorized for distribution by their rightful owners.

MELANIE GRAMER obliges, not to engage in misleading advertising, and therefore it is forbidden:

Use for any kind of commercial or promotional purposes, which are not expressly permitted.

duplication, publication, spread or change, in whole or in part, unless, there is prior written authorization from the rightful owners or it is permitted by law.

Any violation of the rights of MELANIE GRAMER or the legitimate owners of the website.


The user acknowledges and accepts, that all industrial and intellectual property rights in the content and/or other elements inserted in the website belong to MELANIE GRAMER or it is duly authorized, to distribute them on this website.

If a user or a third party thinks so, that its legitimate intellectual property rights have been violated by the inclusion of certain content on the Website, he must inform MELANIE GRAMER of this circumstance and state it:

Identification of the owner of the allegedly infringed rights or identification of the representative, with which he/she trades, if the claim is brought by a third party other than the affected party.

Identification of the content protected by intellectual property rights and its location on the website, Accreditation of the specified intellectual property rights and an express declaration, in which the person concerned assumes responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided in the report.


This website contains links to other websites and content, which are the property of third parties.

The sole purpose of these links is this, to give the user the opportunity, to access these links. MELANIE GRAMER assumes no responsibility for the results, that the user can achieve by accessing these links. Every user, the intended, set up a technical link from its website to the portal, must obtain prior written approval from MELANIE GRAMER. The creation of the link in no way implies the existence of a relationship between MELANIE GRAMER and the owner of the website, where the link is set up, nor the acceptance or endorsement of their content or services by MELANIE GRAMER.

Die Website, which is linked to, no trademarks allowed, names, Logos, contain slogans or other identifying marks of MELANIE GRAMER, unless, they were expressly approved.


In order to use the services, Minors must always have the prior consent of their parents, Obtain legal guardian or legal representative, who are ultimately responsible for all the actions of the minors entrusted to them. Responsibility for determining the specific content, access to minors, is up to them. So when they access inappropriate content on the Internet, Mechanisms need to be set up on their computers, especially computer programs, Filters and blocks, that enable them, limit the content available. They are not infallible, though, but particularly useful, to control and restrict access to content by minors.


MELANIE GRAMER reserves the right, to change the presentation and configuration of the website and this legal notice at any time and without prior notice.


MELANIE GRAMER provides no warranty and is under no circumstances responsible for damages of any kind, which may arise for the following reasons:

Lack of availability, Maintaining and effectively functioning the website and/or its services or content.

The presence of viruses, malicious or harmful programs in the content.

The unauthorized one, negligent or fraudulent use of the website, their services or content by users, that violate these conditions, the good faith, violates generally accepted customs or public order.


MELANIE GRAMER has, like in hers “PRIVACY POLICY”, which can be viewed on this website, specified, introduced an appropriate level of security for the data it processes and manages, by using all technical means and measures at its disposal, to ensure the confidentiality of the data and its misuse, Loss, the change, to prevent unauthorized access and theft.


These conditions are governed by Spanish law, being the courts of the city, in which the applicable regulations apply to consumers and users, or, in the absence of that, the city of Alicante (Spain) for all disputes, which arise from accessing the website, are responsible.


If a user has any questions or comments about this legal notice, please contact or send written notice to the address provided in the heading.