Forgiveness is selfish

Sometimes we have the feeling to forgive means to be weak, because it means to agree with the other person. But that's a mistake. Knowing how to forgive is very important for our own welfare, because it means that we let go anger, el rencor o incluso el odio...

3 steps to overcome anxiety

It is important to differentiate between the real fear and psychological fear. The real fear acts as a primary emotion in times of real danger and ensures our survival. This fear is healthy and does not harm us. Sin embargo hay una otra forma de...

Fear management (NO- method 3)

In this article I want to talk about fear and its derivatives such as anxiety, lack of assurance, stress, unrest, the scare, panic etc.. They have an important role in our lives. The role of fear is to ensure our survival. Por eso...

Take responsibility (EI method 2)

Last week we learned and experienced what we feel and think is our own inner fight, which it is something that happens in our mind and not outside of it. Este conocimiento nos lleva a la conclusión que cada uno tiene que asumir la responsabilidad...

Increase your emotional intelligence (fifth part)

Being emotionally intelligent improving our social relationships and prevents problems with stress, anxiety and depression. Primero quiero felicitaros por el trabajo que estáis llevando a cabo con vosotros mismos porque ya estáis viendo y vais a ver cada vez más...